About |FAQ

The Detroit Entrepreneur – our purpose and vision.

Our vision is to feature emerging entrepreneurs and recognize creatives. The city is rich with stellar businesses, leaders, and talents. Additionally, we cover all of Michigan and those that have impacted us.

Beginning 2022, we will offer public relations, branding, and general business services for emerging entrepreneurs and businesses. Our expert PR managers are more than eager to work with our locals.


Click here to check out our 30 Under 30 list | Than you to all who were a part of this project.

Our Instagram page is dedicated to business content, networking, and informative posts to stay engaged with followers and visitors. Follow here. You can also view our latest Instagram content at the bottom of our site.

The purpose of The Detroit Entrepreneur has a special story. The founder was an emerging business owner herself, but she lacked support and exposure. In order to combat this common obstacle, this very platform was born.

Browse through our various categories to be introduced to the faces of local success stories. Click the menu and select your category. You can also view all posts.


Who can be featured in blogs?

Truthfully, anyone in Michigan. Yes, we highlight Detroit, but surrounding areas, such as Metro Detroit or Lansing, are welcome as well. We also have out of state features if they have impacted the city in some form. 

Does it cost to be featured in an article? How much?

EFFECTIVE JULY 7TH: If the applicant is NOT selected as one of our complimentary “Editor’s Choice” features, articles have a small rate of a $55 flat rate for a permanent article on our site. We are nearing 50,000 visits and counting.

I want to be featured in an article. How do I apply?

You are required to complete an application. Only fitting entrepreneurs, businesses, and talents will be selected. There is really no criteria. Fill out an application here. * We select 5-10 applicants to receive a complimentary feature.* (Currently booked.) ALL OTHER FEATURES are available as an option for advertisements.

I want to advertise. What do I do?

Contact us at anytime, in any form.